Refund and Returns Policy:

We strive to provide excellent service, and we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your product, we offer a hassle-free refund within 14 days, provided that you meet all the conditions outlined in our policy.

Returns or exchanges can be requested within 14 days of the delivery date. To initiate the return or exchange process, please email our customer support team at, clearly stating your order number. They will guide you through the necessary steps.

To be eligible for a return, the products must be in the exact condition as when you received them. All packaging materials must be undamaged and unused, with the price tags intact. Please note that if the products have been opened or any seals are broken, we cannot replace or refund them.

Orders can be cancelled before dispatch, but if the order has already been dispatched, cancellation fees may apply.

Once your return is approved, we will refund your money within 14 days. Please note that the refund does not include import duties, delivery costs, or return postage.

If your refund is approved, it will be automatically credited to the original method of payment within 7-10 days.

We reserve the right to modify and enforce this Return and Refund Policy without prior notice.


We provide automatic free delivery for orders over £50. Once your product(s) is dispatched, we will provide you with a shipment tracking ID. Please note that the delivery date mentioned is indicative and subject to availability, payment authorization, verification, and processing.

It is important to ensure that the delivery address provided is correct and valid. In the event that your product(s) cannot be delivered due to an incorrect or invalid address, we will be unable to process any claims. However, we will notify you if the product(s) are returned to us.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to assist you.